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Smitsmit's Locate 1 battery saver!

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Smitsmit's Locate 1 battery saver! Empty Smitsmit's Locate 1 battery saver!

Post by smitsmit Fri Oct 05 2012, 13:34

Locate 1 is generally a very hard quest (unless you've got sprints or tele's). but that's a waste of coin. Once you start the quest you will be told to go to Aardvark and first and say a passcode. This is the very NW corner of the city. The quest tricks you into thinking you have to walk around the entire city to finish the quest (which you technically do) Anyhow After you say your line at Aardvark and first, Head SE toward Calliope Station. Then take that station to Terpichor Station (100 ap saved) Now head SW again to Aardvark and 100, say your line. head NE back to Terpichor station and ride over to Urania. (100 ap) then head SE to Zestless and 100, say your line the guildmaster gives you, then go back NW to Urania and ride to Erato (100 ap), go NE to Zestless and 1st, say your line and you should have locate 1!

You're not really backtracking at all, since you're moving in a diagnoal pattern you're going in the same direction as your destination. This cuts almost half the energy required to complete the quest. Good luck! Hope your hands heal quick and your nails are sharp!
Commander IV (Ret) - CLA Chancellor
Commander IV (Ret) - CLA Chancellor

Posts : 2020
Age : 39
City Location or Affiliation : Larch & 51st


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